"stashing" is the INTERNET WORD OF THE DAY & ACRONYM = "M2NY"
Welcome to the world of online dating jargon!
Check out today’s word of the day video -
I also explain breadcrumbing, situationship, on ice, bird boxed and highlight 50 more online dating terms, plus get a FREE DOWNLOAD to the TOP 50 DATING TERMS below :)
The Internet Word of the Day & Acronym of the Day are brought to you by NetLingo.com, featuring Erin Jansen - https://erinjansen.com/
Website - https://www.netlingo.com
Dictionary - https://www.netlingo.com/dictionary/all.php
Acronyms - https://www.netlingo.com/acronyms.php
TOP 50 Online Dating Terms - https://www.netlingo.com/top50/online-dating.php
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